Excellus BlueCross BlueShield

Looking for coverage?

Need help with housing, food or transportation?

Blue Choice Option, HMOBlue Option, Blue Option Plus and Medicare Blue Dual (HMO D-SNP) members can contact our trusted Social Care Network (SCN) partners to see if you are eligible for help with:

  • Housing issues and utilities support
  • ​Assistance with food and nutrition
  • Transportation services
  • Care Management

How do I find the SCN in my county?

How do I know if I'm eligible for assistance?

After being screened by the SCN, you will be informed of your eligibility. Not all members will qualify, but reaching out to the SCN in your county is the first step.

You may qualify for more than one service, depending on your situation. Sharing information is optional, but your answers can help us connect you to helpful services. This information will be kept safe. It will not affect your health coverage or premiums.